Do you have a £0.50p foam pop guard? - I do!

microphone pop shield - don't leave home without one!

microphone pop shield - don't leave home without one!

I'm off in a week or so to London to do a massive show at the O2. It's an event that has spared no expense and will be attended by thousands of delegates from around the world.

I'm working principally as producer..... but I'll also be showcalling..... plus a bit of directing..... and, because of my silky voice and beautifully crafted RP British accent, I will no doubt be doing a bunch of voice over announcements too.... it's not that the client aren't prepared to spring for a professional and dedicated voiceover artist... it's more that we can't really justify the cost and infrastructure required... it really is best that I do it.

That's why I carry one of these in my kit bag.

Below is what happened in 2004 when I introduced Prince Charles to Wembley Arena WITHOUT a 50p foam pop shield on my mic. Just found this video on Youtube last night and although I'm kinda proud of the moment, I'm not too impressed with how many times I popped the microphone - about 40 seconds in. Shan't happen again!


Tbilisi Flooding


Athlete's Parade... how long should it take?